100th Day of School

100th Day of School

A hundred days of school is a milestone worth celebrating in a student’s education, particularly at the younger grade levels.  Students new to the school arena by now have successfully gotten through the rough adjustment period of being out of the comfort of their home with their parents and in an environment where rules and expectations are most likely different.  A hundred days earlier, students embarked on a learning adventure and have made it to the halfway point enlightened and eager to continue learning.  Here are a few ways to celebrate learning achievements on the 100th Day of School:

  • 100-Day Edible Necklaces:  Have students count out 100 pieces of ring or donut shaped cereal like Fruit Loops, Cheerios, etc.  With a being of yarn or bakers twine, string the cereal together.  For a little touch of added sweetness, use candy such as Gummy Life Savers.  Ask students to create a pattern using the cereal and candy.  Suggestion, limit the candy to 10 pieces per student otherwise you’ll be peeling kids off the wall!
  • 100 Years Ago Essay:  Ask students to research what life was like 100 years ago.  Topics could include the President and moments in political history during that year, inventions, fashion, methods of transportation, etc.  For this assignment, get as general or specific as you would like.  Have students do a comparative essay of “Then and Now.”  If you want to make the assignment more personal to students, ask them to interview the oldest person in their family.  While not everyone has someone in his or her family that has lived to 100+ but it is likely everyone has someone that has heard a story from something that occurred 100 years ago from their elder.  For example, a student’s Grandparent may be able to share stories they heard while growing up from their own parents.  The history in the stories will fascinate students.
  • Word Scramble:  Ask students to make as many words as they can out of the letters used in  “One Hundred Days.”  Award a prize to the student who makes the most.
  • “If I had $100…”: Ask students to finish the sentence “If I had $100…”  Have them draw an image depicting what they would do with the money and create a bulletin board display using their answers and drawings.

Filed Under: ActivitiesEventsFor the Classroom

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